Logic schemes - automated events, actions, alerts

Vutlan monitoring & control systems offer E-mail, Phone dial, SMS, SNMP Trap, HTTP request, and Web-to-SMS notification alerts.

E-mail notification alerts

E-mail notifications can be used to send e-mails in case an event has been triggered, for example, a temperature rise.

SMS notification alert

Vutlan monitoring unit can send SMS alert messages containing detailed information about the triggered element or sensor and the event.

This requires VT740 LTE slot modem extension and an active SIM card from your telecom provider.

Dial task - phone call

Dialing a phone/mobile number allows you to attract the attention of a person to events in the system. Because dialing does not contain additional information (voice message is not supported), it is recommended to supplement it with SMS or e-mail.

This requires VT740 LTE slot modem extension and an active SIM card from your telecom provider.

SNMP Trap notification alert

When the Vutlan monitoring device detects an error or a change, the device will send a notification to one or more trap receivers onto a specified IP address. Traps are only sent using logic schemes or group notifications. For example, if a logic scheme is activated, the trap will be sent to a trap receiver.

HTTP request

An HTTP request can be sent to a specified server. The server response is not parsed and cannot be used.

Could be used for example to communicate with a server, PSIM (Electronic circuit simulation software package), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), or software program.

Web-to-SMS - via web service notification

You can send SMS messages through special SMS services via Ethernet. Vutlan monitoring unit sends a request to such a service, which in return sends an SMS to the recipients, depending on the API in the request.

All the commands described for working with the service are usually described on the company's website and are unique for each such service. Vutlan provides a generic access mechanism suitable for most such services.

Macros help define notification's content

To increase the information content of notifications, users can use macros. Macros help to define which information is sent to the user about the triggered event.

At the time of sending the notifications, macros will be replaced with the corresponding information: Time of the event, sensor name that triggered an alert, the value of this sensor, name of the logic scheme, a verbal description, the state of the elements, the ID of the sensor, and other.

Configurable Logic Schemes

Logic schemes are used to specify automatic actions to events that occur in the system. Logic schemes represent a set of conditions "IF" and a set of actions that are executed "THEN". Conditions can be combined using "AND" and "OR". For Example, you have a telecommunication rack with servers and equipment. You need to activate fans inside a rack when the temperature reaches 36°C. If the temperature reaches 44°C you need to activate the second fan and notify the administrator via e-mail and SMS.